Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Choosing the right pram for your baby

Choosing the right pram for your child

Choosing the correct pram or travel system for your child is one of the biggest purchases you will make when your new child is born. Prams, Pushchairs and Travel Systems can cost well over a hundred pounds and will be used by you for many years, and if you have more children in the future a good quality pram will last as long as you have children.

One of the first main considerations to think about is your lifestyle, do you like walking a lot? Will you be walking over rough ground? Or do you prefer to use the car more? Will you be travelling on public transport with your child a lot of the time?
There are several options to think about these include Traditional Prams, Two in one, Three in One, Pushchairs, Buggies/Strollers, Three Wheelers, Travel Systems and Double/Triple Buggies and Pushchairs.

Traditional Prams

These are suitable from birth, they are large bodied or smaller soft bodied but do not convert to pushchairs. They tend to be large wheeled chassis with full spring suspension. The carry top is detachable from the chassis and has carry handles, carrying these tend to be best over short distances as they can be heavy. They tend not to be easily transportable by car or public transport.

Two in One Pushchairs

A 2 in 1 pram is a lie flat pushchair and separate chassis. The pushchair unit can be used from birth, facing you or facing away. There is normally a choice of chassis, fixed wheel with suspension for walking or swivel for easily manoeuvring in busy places. A two in one pram comes with a removable washable liner and when used with a mattress creates a carrycot.

Three in One

A 3 in 1 pram is a carrycot, separate pushchair unit and chassis. The carrycot is suitable for overnight sleeping (with a safety mattress) from birth until around 6 months. Then the pushchair unit can be used facing you or facing away. The pushchair unit has a reclining back rest and adjustable footrest. There is a choice of chassis available, a larger wheel chassis with fixed wheels and suspension is ideal for walking giving more comfort to you baby and yourself. A swivel wheeled chassis will be lighter in weight, fold smaller, easier to manoeuvre and convenient for the car. Most chassis have adjustable handle heights.


A lightweight pushchair or stroller is ideal if you will be using public transport, going on holiday and using the car. Some models are suitable from birth. The normally have a lie flat facility with a 5 point harness, lockable swivel wheels and a shopping basket.

Buggies and Strollers

These tend to be quite varied but will have a combination of the following features.

Fully reclining seats will be suitable from birth.

Others are suitable from 3 months or 6 months

Between 1 and 5 position reclining seat.

5 point harness.

Lockable swivel wheels.

Lightweight frame.

Umbrella fold for easy storage

Optional car seat

Three Wheelers

A 3 wheeler pushchair is perfect for walking, whether on city streets or on rougher ground, some models have an optional first stage car seat and carrycot, this gives you a flexible choice. Consider the size of the pushchair folded and whether you have sufficient space in your car or home.

Travel System

A travel system offers a lie flat pushchair suitable from birth and a Stage 0+ car seat, a travel system is ideal for the car, as the pushchair folds compactly to fit in the boot, the baby can be carried around easily in the car seat, the car seat then attaches to the pushchair unit. The pushchair unit is
always facing away from you, the car seat when fitted into the pushchair allows the baby to be facing you.

Double and Tripple Buggies/Pushchairs

A fully recling side by side double buggy is suitable for newborn twins/triplets or a baby and a toddler.
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