Saturday, May 2, 2009

Learn The Basics Of Muscle Building At Home

The concept of exercise usually brings us an image of different machines which are used as the tools to exercise. But can we have muscle building without weights? The answer is yes, we can have good muscles even without using these state of the art machines. The simplicity of these exercises without making any special arrangement or going to gyms makes these exercises more appealing.


Nature has designed the legs of the human being that help in moving the body weight. It would not be advatageous to put extra strain on the human legs that could seriously threaten their potency or strength. If we look at the structure of human legs we can clearly see the movement is fluctuating which could be harmful if it is not practiced appropriately. Human legs are rigid in their bowing from one side to another.

The first important activity, in which muscle building without weights is highly possible, is to carry out leg exercises called squats which are very helpful in gaining rich muscles. This demands an activity that is of a recurrent nature so one can build muscle without using weights. This very activity of making muscle without using weights can be done in many ways. We have the one-legged squat, boots trappers, bleacher squats, wall sits, lunges, off bench lunges, renegade lunges, dragon twisting and backward lunges.

Core Exercises

It is very apparent from the title that these are something which belong to all the muscles of the middle part of the body which clearly include abdomen, transverse and oblique abdomini, etc. Core bodyweight conditioning is meaningless for ordinary and less intensive exercises. The most widely used exercise for muscle building without weights nowadays is gymnastics which has stiffer and harder exercises and provides more strength and vigor, physically and mentally.

If we take a decent look over these exercises, we can see that planche rejuvenates arms, legs, head and almost everything so that it shakes the whole body to increase the level of energy in it. Apart from this, we have other core exercises like manna progression, front lever, back lever, dragon flags, sit-ups, air bike, junda sit-ups, hanging leg raises, wheel rollout, Russian twist, stomach flatten, scissor kick, side kicks, plank, side bends and waist twist.


Pressing is also a very effective exercise which imparts immense strength in the human body, some of the major exercises which we can carry out are: triceps, biceps, pectoral, pushups, elevated push-ups, twisting push up, planche push-up, handstand holds, handstand shrugs, dips, dips swing, tiger bend, T-push ups on reverse push. These exercises are easy to perform and mighty effective. They can really constrict one?s muscle to a great extent and provide exuberance of energy and power in muscles.


Pulling is mostly concerned with the upper part of body, like biceps, chest, wings, etc. Pulling includes numerous exercises which are immensely beneficial if you are looking for muscle building without weights. Here are some of the major exercises which we can safely include under this title of pulling. These are pull-ups, one hand pull-up, fingertip pull-ups, commando pull-ups, towel pull-ups, lever pull-ups, kipping pull-ups. Most of these exercises can be done on a tree branch, rope or monkey bar. One thing which must be borne in mind while doing all these stunts is that one should concentrate on the muscle which he or she is pulling to make stronger.

There are also some other useful exercises like hands, necks and ply metrics, etc. which could be helpful as well at times. After going through all the major exercises, the question whether muscle building without weights can be achieved or not is answered. Go ahead with a home exercise plan and enjoy a strong healthy toned body.

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