Friday, October 31, 2008

Double Your New Fundraiser Using 4 Basic Fundraising Fundamentals

Fundraising has been going on for many years and will continue as a way for youth sports leagues, schools, churches, cheerleaders and many other groups to generate funds for numerous causes. When trying to organize a successful new fundraiser you should have a few keys things in mind.

Copyright (c) 2008 AIM Fundraising

For many years fundraising has been one important way for youth sports leagues, cheerleaders, school fundraisers and other not for profit groups to fund their programs. This will continue to be the case. When planning your new fundraiser there are some basic considerations that must be be taken into account to ensure that it is profitable.


Choose a type of event that coincides with your type of group and your fundraising goals. If your youth soccer team needs new nets for the field, then the cost involved should be relatively small. In this case a car wash, a soccer-thon, or other simple fundraising event will do. If on the other hand you need to raise thousands of dollars for a senior trip you might need to consider fundraisers such as teddy bear fundraisers, cookie dough fundraisers, or any number of other unique fundraising ideas. When the needs are larger, it may be time to consider raising money over a few different programs and times of the year. Your specific needs will dictate the type of new fundraiser idea you should be considering.


Never over look the hidden talents or things that might be of interest to your group. For instance, you would not want to ask the football players to do a teddy bear fundraiser. While that might be a unique fundraiser, you probably will not have a huge sale simply because those boys are not going to be that enthused about them. Now, if what you are planning is a cheerleader fundraiser, or a new fundraiser for little kids or an all girl group, then a teddy bear fundraiser should work just fine.

Choosing The Right Fundraising Product

After first taking into consideration the interest of your volunteer force, you will also want to consider the attractiveness of your fundraising product itself. Right now, in America, the number one product in fundraising is frozen food, specifically frozen cookie dough. There are many varieties of frozen cookie dough available, but hands down the top two are the Otis Spunkmeyer brand and Chippery cookie dough.

Once a frozen product has been sold in your neighborhood however, you are forced to find a new fundraiser that will be he next best thing.This is where it gets sort of interesting. I could fill a couple of hundred pages on this subject alone. There are so many things that must be considered when trying to come up with this ew fundraiser. Things like the type of group you have, the age range of your group, the time of year. The list could go on. There are products however that have stood the test of time and consistently make groups the money they need. There are in fact some new fundraiser products that I can see will be giving frozen products a push off of the mountain top.

Some of the old standards like Christmas wrap, candles and various gift items have truly stood the test of time. There are some new fundraisers like teddy bear fundraisers and Interstate Batteries that are making a showing now to displace the old tried and true fundraisers.

Given that the scope of this article does not include how to properly choose that new fundraiser, I would simply say at this point that it would be wise to consult a professional fundraising company for that advice.

Don't Let Your Ego Get In The Way

In the quest for new fundraiser ideas, it is important to keep in mind that there are some things that you may initially think will or will not work. Many times we are inclined to pick our new fundraisers based on our own personal likes and dislikes. The thought process goes, I would not buy that product line so it must be a loser of a fundraiser. If this were the only thing to consider about what works in the marketplace, the would be no Starbucks or Seatle's Best Coffee. I hate coffee! There would also be a Sears on every corner and whoever thought that putting a retractable wheel in the bottom of a shoe would be a big deal?

When planning for any new fundraiser it is important to consider some basic options to help you decide which fundraising product is the right one for your group. The best way to proceed is really to get out of the way and go with what works.

Source: Free Articles from


You don't have to re-invent the wheel when choosing the right product for your new fundraiser. There are lots of products that will work for your group. You will find some unique fundraiser ideas that work at AIM Fundraising.

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