Saturday, April 25, 2009

Menu Chalkboards

Chalkboards are used for many purposes today. Traditionally, they have been used in schools and now many of us recognize their application in the corporate sector. For example, in a work place these boards of various kinds are used to make presentations and to display graphs, pictures, notices and fliers. However most of us have definitely noticed one of these boards at an eatery or a coffee place. These are heavy-duty, weather resistant chalkboards, particularly good for restaurants, specialty stores, or any business that wants to reach out to potential customers.

Today the traditional look of a chalkboard has been compromised for one that is practically and economically consistent with its use while at the same time providing a convenient design. The look of the traditional chalkboard has been combined with crisp, digitally printed, faux chalk lettering other color graphics, such as a logo. Prints can be placed directly on the chalkboard for a more professional attractive feel. As your menu changes, replacements can easily be made.

Magnetic strips with the menu items and prices can be made. Blank strips are provided too along with liquid chalk for making changes when the need arises. These new boards are completely hassle-free and simple to use. They are attractive and extremely durable. They come in a variety of designs like write-on boards, chalkboards, free-standing letter boards, free-standing message boards, free-standing poster holders, and tripod easels.

With the mass production of a huge variety of menu boards, a customer has an array of choices. He can choose from the decorative and from the functional designs available on the market. He can also decide which type suits him best; the traditional chalkboard, the faux lettering board, or the whiteboard.

Chalkboards provides detailed information on Chalkboards, Kitchen Chalkboards, Magnetic Chalkboards, Slate Chalkboards and more. Chalkboards is affiliated with School Backpacks.

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